The Art of Motivation… and the Art of Keeping It

I’ve been on a very recent kick to try and get healthier. I’ve always been a bigger guy (as in muscle, not fat) but I found that I had let myself go a bit and turned into a bigger guy (as in fat, not muscle). I came to this realization in a very unmanly sort of way unfortunately. To be dreadfully honest it was a rather girly move in my mind.

I was hopping out of my shower and happened to glance at myself in the mirror. I turned to the side and stuck out my gut and thought ‘Geez, you’ve really let yourself go you fatass.’

This dude is everything I DON'T want to become....

It was in this moment that my motivation struck me like a lightning bolt. Is this the guy I’m proud of being? The answer was an emphatic no.

Now in the following 3 weeks since my amazing discovery I’ve used this motivation in every way possible. 5 days of cardio a week with 4 days of weight lifting injected in there. Sit-ups and push-ups every night before bed. Yogurt, fruit and protein smoothies on the regular. It seems like I’m finally starting to notice results both physically and mentally. I feel better and I look better.

Considering the title of my blog post I think it’s really kind of sad that my ‘Art of Motivation’ had to be me noticing something negative about myself. I need to figure out a way to convince my brain to be motivated without that negative push whether it be for my health, my career… whatever really. What I’m hoping for is that my current motivation and its effects can propel me to be motivated in other avenues of my life.

This brings me around to the second half of my blog title… the art of keeping that motivation going. I know that for now the visual results are making me feel good and that is keeping my gung-ho attitude in full swing. What about when I reach my desired weight/toning? Will I just fall back off and say hello to that tubby fellow I saw in the mirror sometime ago? I certainly hope not.

What I’m hoping for is that along with this motivation comes a full circle change in attitude. Healthier lifestyles lead to healthier decisions don’t they? If you’re reading this what do you think? I mean what can a person do to best ensure that their motivation is not lost?

I think in the long run, for me at least, the art of keeping my motivation will have to be setting goals. Once I achieve one goal I can set another and push myself in a new direction. One thing I know for sure is that I don’t want to become the complacent lazy bastard I was a mere 3 weeks ago… keep your fingers crossed for me ok?

~ by canadianboarder on January 31, 2010.

One Response to “The Art of Motivation… and the Art of Keeping It”

  1. This a great post. How are you doing with it? What tricks or tips can you pass along?

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